There are no close ups of the killer as we want to keep the enigma of villain
and his mysterious motives.
He then goes on to say ‘death
is on my script’ as he says this there is a close up of the promiscuous girl to
imply her murder is one of the first. This was done so the audience could
understand that our film is a Meta text. Since our killer is describing the
conventions within its own text, however he tells the audience he is going to
break these conventions which was said to intrigue the audience to ponder how
he is planning on shifting the conventions and also strengthening the idea of a
modernised approach to a general Slasher film. Through this voice over the
audience establish the killer which breaks the enigma code, this mystery with
who the killer might be is completely written off as the audience know who it is, and is
also put in the position of the killer. However the villains identity is not as
obvious as there are no close ups so the audience are still required of some
enigma but to an extent.
Through the trailer you see a glimpse of each character
which have been chosen specifically to fit Vladimir Propp’s theory on character
and function.
With the use of several close ups, the female protagonist who
we establish as the ‘hero’ in terms of Propp’s theory, also in fact known as
the final girl, was clearly displayed as she had the most screen time in the
trailer in comparison to the other characters. We objectively wanted the
audience to quickly recognise that she is the sole survivor, so we placed
several close ups and extreme close ups just so the audience can be quick to I
identify her character from the very beginning. We incorporated long shots of our final girl walking past a church.
Our promiscuous girl had very little screen time to show her
irrelevance to the plot. She often wore dark colours such as black, and dark
red to reinforce the referential code, as red, and black connotes death, and
We establish more of the final girl character as she is
involved in a conversation with another character. We wanted this conversation
to be another way that the characters have realised the disruption and convey
the recognition phase. Our final girl is seen to have conversation with a male
character who is in fact in terms of Propps theory on character and functions,
displayed as the false hero. He warns our final girl to stay away from this
particular student (who is suspected to be the killer) calling him ‘dodgy’
demonstrating his awareness and recognition, though like the promiscuous girl
his irrelevance to the plot is displayed through the use of screen time, as his
character is not as
established as the final girl is.who picked up on unusual behaviour from a student through an essay. He is only established through two close up shots to show he is also a minor character. When the benefactor reads the essay, it is shown through a voice over of his character and a close up of the deadly words on the paper. At this point it shows the recognition stage of Tzvetan Todorov’s narrative theory since one character recognises the disruption. His non diegetic voice over, bridges to the killer’s point of view standing in front of a victims garage and fades into the killer’s voice. The audience knows it’s the killer’s voice since he narrated the start of our trailer. As our killer states ‘The lion stalking his prey, ready to take part his victim’, the first shot of our fast pace montage takes place, this non diegetic voice over encouraged the disruption.
The typography that is presented as our title is bold white
and has sharp edges as it represents its genre by have the outline of the
chosen weapon on our trailer. The titles fuzzed on to the screen, like a broken
screen of a TV. Since the title is white it presents its equilibrium however
having it distorted whilst on the screen shows the disruption. Additionally using
more technology within our trailer (the electronic sounds,fuzzing of screen) shows the shift in society and how we have
been prone to use technology more and making our slasher film come across as
being contemporary to our target audience.
For my magazine cover, I had to display that I had no ownership
over the publication. The masthead was placed at the top of the magazine with 'Rue Morgues' tag line being ‘Horror in culture and Entertainment’. The colour of
the mast head was light blue, red and black, this particular colour scheme ran
through my magazine cover which is very conventional.
The main image consists of two important characters (the
final girl and the villain) as this could increase brand identity of the film
and also these two character are easily recognisable. The image is of the final
girl looking away and the killer behind her holding two very symbolic props
which are the camera and knife. I presented the knife on the front cover to
appeal to the demographic of 'Rue Morgue' as they are horror fanatics. The
knife is often associated with the slasher genre so I thought making the genre
more apparent on the magazine was ideal to reach out to other audiences. Also
using the camera as a prop was to encourage the films brand identity as the
camera is very symbolic. The main image on a magazine had to be more gripping
than the film poster as it is supposed to reassure a vast audience.
I used the same colour scheme that is consisted through the
front cover on the typography. Other feature stories were coloured with either
baby blue, red, white. This follows the conventions of the general publication of 'Rue Morgue', however the main feature story being my film, is in the films typography. I and my group all decided to have the same typography consist in all our media products, even in our magazine since the magazine is helping the film promote its identity. The typography is white, bold and had sharp edges, to present the genre, though we added red dot in the middle of our ‘O’ as the ‘O’ looks like focus lines, and the red dot is very symbolic as it is seen to be on the screen whenever there is a POV shot of the killer to represent the record button. Incorporating this dot reinforced our brand identity. The bar code was placed on the left hand corner, which follows the conventions.
baby blue, red, white. This follows the conventions of the general publication of 'Rue Morgue', however the main feature story being my film, is in the films typography. I and my group all decided to have the same typography consist in all our media products, even in our magazine since the magazine is helping the film promote its identity. The typography is white, bold and had sharp edges, to present the genre, though we added red dot in the middle of our ‘O’ as the ‘O’ looks like focus lines, and the red dot is very symbolic as it is seen to be on the screen whenever there is a POV shot of the killer to represent the record button. Incorporating this dot reinforced our brand identity. The bar code was placed on the left hand corner, which follows the conventions.
Rue Morgue is known to have publications that are
illustrated and brightly coloured. To demonstrate that I had no rights over the
copy of text I incorporated a brightly coloured light blue filter over my final
girl and manipulated the image to seem as if it is illustrated. I chose the
baby blue as it portrays the final girl’s innocence, the villain behind her is
in black and white due to these colour contrasts it displays a clear binary
opposite in terms of Levi Strauss which is Good vs Evil. Since the final girl
is filtered in blue I added scratch marks only her, and not the killer. These
scratch marks present the disturbance of the equilibrium in terms of Todorovs
narrative theory since it has scratched the colour blue away. Additionally the masthead also has scratches to fit with the main image.
The final girl is also seen to be bruised with a big black eye, this being apparent this also reinforced the disturbance. To present enigma our villains face is covered by the camera, to conceal his identity as if his camera is his mask. He has his arm raised as if he is about to lunge for the final girl and she has no clue due to her facial expression, and her looking up. This main image presents violence, as I’ve said before, the main image of the magazine has to be gripping, or even gruesome, by having a semi violent picture I am following the codes and conventions, intriguing the audience of 'Rue Morgue'.
The Film poster portrayed more enigma than the magazine. The main image is on a black background to portray the shadows that our killer is hiding behind. Due to the fact the killer uses the camera as if it’s his mask. The audience only see the hands of the killer, as Roland Barthes theory states as being the Enigma code, this image sets up the mystery on the killer’s identity. This shot is an extreme close up of the killer holding his lens, the final girl is seen through the reflection with a shocked expression on her face. This displays a certain point of Todorovs narrative theory of the classic narrative pattern, which is recognition stage, as we see a glimpse of the final girl and her reaction through her first encounter with villain. This image also abides by the general semiotic code in Slasher films, as this is in the point of view of the final girl. The audience is placed in the position of the final girl due to the reflection of the final girl in the lens. Placing the main prop for our film, being the camera, in the centre strengthens the films iconography, and increases recognition. There are scratches on the hands of the killer, too look as if murder is written on his hands and to convey the mystery of his motives.
The final girl is also seen to be bruised with a big black eye, this being apparent this also reinforced the disturbance. To present enigma our villains face is covered by the camera, to conceal his identity as if his camera is his mask. He has his arm raised as if he is about to lunge for the final girl and she has no clue due to her facial expression, and her looking up. This main image presents violence, as I’ve said before, the main image of the magazine has to be gripping, or even gruesome, by having a semi violent picture I am following the codes and conventions, intriguing the audience of 'Rue Morgue'.
The Film poster portrayed more enigma than the magazine. The main image is on a black background to portray the shadows that our killer is hiding behind. Due to the fact the killer uses the camera as if it’s his mask. The audience only see the hands of the killer, as Roland Barthes theory states as being the Enigma code, this image sets up the mystery on the killer’s identity. This shot is an extreme close up of the killer holding his lens, the final girl is seen through the reflection with a shocked expression on her face. This displays a certain point of Todorovs narrative theory of the classic narrative pattern, which is recognition stage, as we see a glimpse of the final girl and her reaction through her first encounter with villain. This image also abides by the general semiotic code in Slasher films, as this is in the point of view of the final girl. The audience is placed in the position of the final girl due to the reflection of the final girl in the lens. Placing the main prop for our film, being the camera, in the centre strengthens the films iconography, and increases recognition. There are scratches on the hands of the killer, too look as if murder is written on his hands and to convey the mystery of his motives.
The title is placed at the bottom of the image along with
the credits and the tag line is placed at the top. This is a conventional way
or organising the text on the poster. The typography of the film have been
consistent through all my media products as it conveys the slasher genre due to
its sharp edges, and the red dot (conveying the record button as it is very symbolic), however the typography for the tagline is completely different
though it also convey the horror genre. The tagline is also ironic as it says 'Smile for the camera' and the image shows the reflection of a shocked looking final girl. The age rating is placed on the right hand
side, at the bottom along with other production logos as well as this at the top there is a film festival nomination to generate acclaim critics. I also included the
website on the poster as the poster promotional tool (like the other two media
products) these are conventional positions to where I
have placed the credits, title, production logos, website and festival nomination.
have placed the credits, title, production logos, website and festival nomination.
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